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An anti-drug operation was carried out in the Absheron region

Employees of the anti-drug department of the Absheron region police department carried out operations to combat drug trafficking in the city of Khirdalan, in the villages of Masazir, Novkhany, Saray and other settlements, APA reports citing the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan. Thus, during the events, residents of the capital Avaz Alishov, Rovshan Gurbanov, previously convicted Gadzhiali Imanov, Orkhan Veliyev, Tabriz Jafarov and Sardar Askerov were detained.

About 5 kilograms of heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine and psychotropic pills were found and seized in the cars they were driving, in apartments at different addresses in the capital and the Absheron region. During the investigation, it was established that the detained persons acquired drugs imported from Iran illegally for the purpose of sale.

Criminal cases have been initiated, and the necessary operational and investigative measures are ongoing.

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