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Misappropriation of more than 88 thousand manats was revealed at the college

In connection with a citizen’s appeal about violations committed at the Goychay State College of Management and Technology, an investigation was conducted at the district prosecutor’s office, reports with reference to the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

During the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that when checking the financial and economic activities of the college in the period from January 1, 2018 to December 1, 2023, officials unreasonably wrote off spare parts and fuel without repairing vehicles on the balance sheet, included in the reports acceptance of the cost of uncompleted repair and improvement work, as well as in other ways, embezzled funds in the amount of more than 88,000 manats.

Based on this fact, the district prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal case under Articles 179.2.3 and 179.2.4 (misappropriation or embezzlement by a person using his official position, causing significant damage) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, and an investigation is underway.

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