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Court investigation into the case of illegal sale of a stadium in Baku

The Baku Grave Crimes Court, chaired by Judge Farid Namazov, is investigating the case of the illegal sale of a stadium in Baku, reports with reference to The director of the Mehsul stadium, Alik Hasanov, and the chairman of the Association of Sports Organizations of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, Nadir Aliyev, appeared before the judge.

At the meeting, the prosecutor made an accusatory speech and demanded 11 years and 6 months in prison for each of them. He also asked to confiscate the seized property of the accused and use it to compensate the victims. The defendants’ lawyers asked for time to make their defense speech.

According to the indictment, Nadir Aliyev and Alik Hasanov told entrepreneurs involved in the construction of high-rise buildings that the stadium territory was put up for sale for 5.5 million manats. And from entrepreneurs who wanted to purchase the territory, they received a total of 900,000 manats as a deposit.

In addition, it is alleged that A. Hasanov deceived another entrepreneur and embezzled his money. During the investigation, reasonable suspicions also arose that Alik Hasanov said that he could sell his stadium to another entrepreneur for 8 million manats and, under the pretext of bribing relevant officials and asking the necessary questions about documentation, received 360,000 manats from him.

Nadir Aliyev and Alik Hasanov were charged under articles 178.4 (fraud causing especially large damage) and 32.4,312.1 (incitement to give a bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Five people were recognized as victims in the criminal case: Rauf Ismayilov, Dadash Umbatov, Khabib Zulfyugarov, Elchin Rustamov and Yusif Velikhanov.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 3.

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