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The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan received 23 complaints regarding fraud with citizens’ bank cards

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan received another 23 complaints regarding fraud with citizens’ bank card data, Report informs, citing the head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, police lieutenant colonel Elshad Hajiyev.

He also specified the amounts stolen from the cards: 11,000, 230, 1,300, 500, 300, 23, 480, 385, 1,050, 907, 917, 5,400, 50, 310, 42, 17, 280, 1,042, 364, 1,050 , 2.500, 544 and 367 manat.

“The amount of money on the card does not matter. Any amount in the account will be stolen. If there is no money on your card, the unknown person will call you back and ask for information about another card. Be careful,” warned E. Hajiyev.

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