Свобода – величайший плод ограничения желаний свободы (Эпикур).                Видеть несправедливость и молчать – это значит, самому участвовать в ней (Ж.-Ж. Руссо).                Светоч истины часто обжигает руку тому, кто его несет (П. Буаст).                Умирают только за то, ради чего стоит жить (Сент-Экзюпери).                Знание есть сила, сила есть знание (Бэкон).


Seventh International Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Law” (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Aliyev Heydar Alirza oglu) 

Sixth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Implementation of PACE Resolution no.1900(2012) “Definition of political prisoner” in criminal and criminal procedure legislation”

“Victim of regime” project  announcement!

Free legal assistance

“Round table” – decision of the PACE on political prisoners in Azerbaijan

Fifth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Human rights and criminal process”

Trainings on ensuring of fair court proceedings

Contest for the fighters corruption

Outcomes of a competition for the best offer to combat corruption 

Information for the conference participants 

On reducing of organizational fee

IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fair trial: Illusions and Reality”

Contest announcement

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Cognosce te ipsum!                Surge et age!                Aliis inserviendo consumor!                Cogito, ergo sum!                Non progredi est regredi!

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