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A person accused of large-scale fraud has been arrested

In Azerbaijan, after a long search, a person accused of large-scale fraud was arrested, reports. Agil Zeynalov, together with an accomplice, deceived his cousin Elchin Zeynalov in the amount of 111.00 manats. The scammers promised the victim the position of first deputy head of the Executive Power of the Agjabedi region, Rafil Huseynov.

Elchin Zeynalov, who previously worked in the executive power of the Agjabedi region, sought to return to power to a higher position. To do this, he contacted his cousin and his accomplice, who introduced himself as a man with extensive connections.

Agil Zeynalov was detained several days ago after a long search. The prosecutor filed a petition in court for his arrest. By the decision of Judge Gultekin Asadova, the accused was placed in custody for three months. The search for his accomplice continues.

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