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More than a million manats embezzled from online game participants in Baku

The Baku Court of Grave Crimes held another court hearing on the criminal case of Tanzila Kerimova, accused of embezzling more than a million manats from residents of the capital, reports. In her testimony, T. Kerimova emphasized that the online games she organized had 11 group leaders, but she did not know any of them personally. A total of 81 people took part in the game called Qat, transferring a total of 1,232,559 manats to the accounts of the accused and her relatives.

The scheme worked as follows: participants contributed a certain amount, after which winners were announced and received cash prizes. Thus, for a contribution of 500 manats, one could receive 2,500. However, soon many players noticed that their deposits were being cut and contacted law enforcement agencies.

During the operation carried out by the Main Directorate for Combating Cybercrime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, T. Kerimova was charged under Article 178.4 (fraud causing particularly large-scale damage) of the Criminal Code.

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