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The case against 3 people accused of attempting to illegally import gold bars has been sent to court

The investigation into the case of officials of the State Customs Committee accused of smuggling gold bars has been completed.

As Report informs with reference to the press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan, SCC employees Parvin Dursunaliyev and Mansur Mehdiyev, their accomplice Ali Ibrahimov, attempted to secretly smuggle 5 gold bars worth 190.4 thousand manats purchased in the UAE into the country on July 8, 2024.

Dursunaliyev and Mehdiyev have been charged under Articles 206.3.2 and 206.3.3 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, and Ibrahimov has been charged under Article 206.3.2.

“All of them have been arrested, and the case has been sent to the Baku Court of Grave Crimes,” the department notes.

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