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Supreme Court issues ruling on Rovshan Novruzoglu

The Supreme Court issued a ruling on Rovshan Novruz oglu Veliyev (Rovshan Novruzoglu), professor at the Institute of Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, former director of the International Center for Combating Terrorism and Corruption, Report informs. Veliyev’s cassation appeal was rejected at a court hearing chaired by Nazim Movsumov.

It is noted that Veliyev was sentenced to six years in prison by the Baku Grave Crimes Court.

Earlier, the Baku Court of Appeal rejected his appeal. Novruzoglu was found guilty of charges under Article 178.3.2 (fraud committed with causing major damage) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. According to the guilty verdict, Rovshan Veliyev committed fraud in the amount of more than 80 thousand manats. Veliev was already charged with fraud in 2007.

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