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Azerbaijani President highlighted certain challenges facing the country as he addressed Milli Majlis

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev highlighted the certain challenges facing the country as he addressed the first session of the seventh convocation of Milli Majlis, APA reports. “The task of increasing our military strength is the number one priority. Although the Second Garabagh War and the anti-terror operation are left behind, the recent developments worldwide, the new conflict, the emergence of war zones and the rising tension around us, at the same time, the revanchist trends in Armenia make us keep constant focus on this area.

Noting that the restoration of Garabagh and Eastern Zangazur is also among the challenges facing the country, the head of state added: “However, if we decrease our focus on the military field and do not provide sufficiaent funds to it, we may encounter problems in the future.”

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