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Former head of the Executive Authority and other officials to appear in court again

An appeal has been filed against the verdict against the former head of the Executive Authority (EA) of the Kurdamir District Jeyhun Jafarov and other officials of the district, reports. A preparatory hearing in the Shirvan Court of Appeal is scheduled for October 17. The complaint will be considered under the chairmanship of Judge Parviz Hajiyev.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, J. Jafarov, T. Novruzov and N. Kerimov were charged under Articles 308.2 (abuse of office, resulting in grave consequences), 311.3.1 (accepting a bribe by a group of persons by prior agreement), 311.3.2 (repeated acceptance of a bribe) and others of the Criminal Code (CC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AR). A preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against them.
According to the verdict of the Lankaran Court of Grave Crimes, J. Jafarov was found guilty of abuse of office, embezzlement of state property and bribery on an especially large scale and sentenced to eight years and six months in prison.

Taking into account the full compensation for damages in the criminal case, the Shirvan Court of Appeal reduced his prison term to six years, and the Supreme Court – to four years and six months.

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