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“Hamlet” directed by Hafiz Hajiyev

Upon application of Hafiz Hajiyev, known figure and a chairman of the party “Muasir Musavat” (“Modern Musavat”), Baku Prosecutor’s Office has initiated a criminal case on poisoning of Aliyev Abulfaz Ghadir oglu – Elchibey, ex-president of Azerbaijan.

The case is initiated under Article 29 (attempt on the president life) and Article 120.1 (premeditated murder without aggravating circumstances) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan Republic.

According to application of H. Hajiyev the offense is committed by Ali Kerimli, the successor of Elchibey.

The objectives of initiating of criminal case are clear. But the prosecutor’s logic is unclear. If Elchibey was killed by poisoning, why has case initated under paragraph “attempt on the president life”? And why has case initiated under paragraph “without aggravating circumstances”? As a minimum, should be used article 120.2.3 of the Criminal Code (murder in connection with implementation of service activity or public duties).

Or may prosecutors be understand a trivialness of the undertaking?

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