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August 2012

– Boris Berezovsky will be extradited to Russia

– Sorcha Faal: who, how, whom and why “puffs brains”

– Risky corruption

– I want to go to India!

– Long tongue is danger for a deputy

– President relieved of a work of her son

– Is it a criminal democracy or police state?

– Great Britain sobered up

– Sentenced, but not condemned

– Paul Roberts: The collapse of the Soviet Union has made the world more dangerous

– Justice in Estonian

– Future of USA – USSR

– Russia is disarming

– Suddenly a tram is stopped on the rails…

– “Yedinaya Rossiya” (“United Russia”) is cleaning its ranks

– Dancing all

– New technologies in fight against corruption

– The Russian authorities suppressed a riot of pussies

– “Hamlet” directed by Hafiz Hajiyev

– Constitution is a weapon of the proletariat

– At thief hat on fire!

– The Road to Mars: missed “bribes”

– Russians are coming!

– Killed a judge suspected of pedophilia

– New political technology in struggle for power

– Miser Prosecutor

– Bari Nakhchivan!

– Violation of the right to circumcision in Germany

– A reason of migraine of the MP and members of government is found

– There is no peace for the Parisians women. No to undress or to dress

– Who spits on the US laws?

– Europe is learning a culture of the Caucasus

– What are Azerbaijani poets judged in Iran for?

– Completing a process on case of a crime of century

– Piggy and Stepashka are blamed in agony of culture and customs

– Hot Caucasian guys at the Olympics

– Message to Azerbaijani corrupt officials from other world

– To beat or not to beat?

– Who and why is gloating of failure of Azerbaijan at the Olympics

– We are offered to swing

– Member of Parliament and in Canada is Member of Parliament

– By hunger strike on corruption

– “Al Qaeda” has been fined

– And you, Brutus!

– Is it defloration for defamation?

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