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Glory to video!

December 7, a Head of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev for the first time commented about the scandalous video at which was mentioned his name, reports “Zerkalo”.

In an interview with APA R. Mehdiyev said that on December 7 he familiarized himself in the opposition press “with the next nonsense of escaped from the country Elshad Abdullayev. Apparently, the disease of this man has gone so far that, or he does not understand what he is talking, or trying by his lies and slander to cover up his actions. I have never had any intention to meet with Elshad Abdullayev. It would be nice if he mentions name of an influential person, after numerous requests to whom, he has achieved to get to meet me for a few minutes for discussion at the feet his request relating to the fate of the university”.

“We have never had a conversation about his deputy in Milli Majlis, – says the head of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan. – This is his next fiction like that allegedly U.S. Embassy requires us to give parliamentary mandates Isa Gambar and Arzu Samadzade. All this is fruit of his sick imagination. What is Elshad Abdullayev that I had discussed with him this question? Moreover, during a few minutes, and standing on feet. Using lies and fiction, he also wants to throw the intrigue in opposition camp. Ostensibly, we support only “Musavat” party…”

“Apparently, it is necessary to someone ridiculous, slanderous and fabricated statements of Elshad Abdullayev. His personality and actions are known of hundreds of young people to whom he gave out fake diplomas, and their parents, as well as the people he cheated by fraud. As for his fraud and primitive games, I can say that all of this absolutely did not concern the staff of the Presidential Administration”, said R. Mehdiyev.


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