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Appeal of political prisoners of Azerbaijan to the world community

Dear brothers and sisters!

Dear ladies and gentlemen!


We are devout Muslims-Lezgins from Gusar region of Azerbaijan, who were arrested on trumped up accusations for our religious beliefs, philosophy, thought and speech.

For honest people our religion, which is professed by millions of people, is not dangerous, and dishonest ones are not determined by us, but the Supreme.

We absolutely oppose crime, are not involved in politics, do not use the agitation and propaganda, which incite racial, ethnic, religious and social discord and animosity. Our religious rituals do not violate public order and contrary to public morality.

The followers of our religion recognize of the secular power, call for honesty, integrity, kindness, friendship and peace, and categorically reject terrorism, separatism and other illegal actions. They are based on the life of universal human values; do not use alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

Perhaps, that our beards and features of clothing are confused someone, but these feature are available at the representatives of other religions, and some people even go half-naked, but it does not bother anyone and nobody is not imprisoned for that.

Yes, in recent times it has increased a number of devout Muslims faster than the number of members of the ruling party. It is obviously, people are attracted to our ideas, business and behavior, even though we are tried to oppose with other religious groups, and are spread vile rumors and stories.

However, for some time the Azerbaijani authorities are afraid the unity of people, that carried out outside the walls of the ruling party and pro-government associations, and so try to reduce their number by all means.

On religious and national reasons we are systematically persecuted, it are brutally and deliberately violated our fundamental rights. We are discriminated, imprisoned on trumped up accusations, tortured and bullied. It is closed the mosques and created unbearable life conditions to destruct physically. Every day more and more of our supporters are in prisons, harassments are not stopped but on the contrary, it is strengthened.

We are recognized prisoners of conscience – political prisoners by a number of international human rights organizations and the report of C. Strasser, but it has made our situation the worse since the PACE has betrayed the declared values and the people who believe in these values (see please,

Nevertheless, we continue to believe in the triumph of justice and hope for your help. Support us, write about us, tell about us.

Sharafaddin Mahmudov

Raghib Piraliyev


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