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The lists of political prisoners will be reviewed

The International Organization for Legal Researches has made a decision on reviewing of its lists of political prisoners on Azerbaijan. It will be done according to the criteria working out in the frames of the project “Victim of the regime”.

“Whether it likes to somebody or not, by our organization will be composed a list of the political prisoners and other victims of the regime on Azerbaijan. It will be made in compliance with the criteria which are determined by the IOLR specialists on the basis of the recommendations of PACE and the German parliamentarian of Christopher Strasser”, – said the President of the IOLR, Doctor of Juridical Sciences Javanshir Suleymanov.

“The IOLR possesses by sufficient potential to solve this task recklessly to somebody, guided by the facts, logic and legislation. Speaking about intention to build a lawful state, one cannot ignore the national legislation. In case of it noncompliance with the international standards, it should be cared on the alterations and supplements, but not to ignore. Similar mistakes are always used by the unscrupulous opponents.

It is unjustly to debase of the idea and acting on the principle “the more the better” to classify to the political prisoners the persons committing violent, mercenary or other criminally punished actions only for that they are members of some political party or public movement, they are opposed to the power or joined to opposition after their arrest. At the same time there are hundreds imprisoned men who deprived freedom for their convictions and unable to apply to the human rights defenders.

A leader of the most opposition political party cannot be considered by political prisoner if he/she committed swindle, murder, extortion, beat a neighbor or raped of a leader of other party.

Opposition or public activity is not indulgence but it should be taken into account for determination of the political motives of deprivation of the freedom. If it begins after an arrest for the specific crime and it is a tool of defense then a person cannot be considered a political prisoner.

In addition, it is illogical to consider by a political prisoners the persons suffered from the regime but are being on the freedom.

At the same time, one cannot refuse in recognition by the political prisoners the persons convicted even for most serious crimes (terrorism, murders etc.) if they did not commit these crimes and deprived freedom on political motives through the trumped-up accusations and in result of unjust proceedings. There are a dozens of such facts, for example, to take at least abominable on tyranny a decision on a case about the terrorist attack in the Oil Academy and many others.

It is untrue to rejoice over release by acts of amnesty or pardon if it has asserted on illegality of a freedom deprivation on the trumped-up accusations.

According to a system worked out by the IOLR, the political prisoners are one of the kinds of the victims of the regime which in turn subdivided on: prisoners of conscience; deprived of freedom on political motives without accusations; deprived freedom through trumped-up accusations and unjust proceedings; persons who deprived of freedom on political motives is carried out on discrimination basis.

To other victims of the regime are related: persons, who on political motives are subjected to other criminal punishment through trumped-up accusations and unjust proceedings; on political motives by analogous methods are subjected to administrative persecution; on political motives on discrimination basis are subjected to economic persecution through unjust proceedings; political émigrés. Above stated system is open and might be supplemented”.

On the question of whether significantly reduced the number of political prisoners in Azerbaijan as a result of systemic change, J. Suleymanov said: “Will not decrease, on the contrary it will increase by an order”.

The International Organization for Legal Researches invites persons and institutions with interest at this to take part in a work under the project and compiling of a list of the victims of the regime. Naturally, it is the harder than to criticize it later”, – summarized J. Suleymanov.


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