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“Public Chamber” calls for defence of Ibrahimbeyov

In addressing of the “Public Chamber” is said: “With great anxiety “Public Chamber” perceived a statement of the head of the Union of Cinematographers and the leader of an Intellegentsia Forum Rustam Ibrahimbeyov about the possibility of his arrest in Azerbaijan.

Strongly condemning a campaign against Ibrahimbeyov, “Public Chamber” declares unequivocal support and readiness to take all necessary measures to protect the rights of a playwright.

“Public Chamber” believes that threat of arrest of the known representative of intelligentsia has political motives connected with critics of the authorities and demand on holding democratic presidential election. All this clearly shows the dismal situation with human rights in the country.

“Public Chamber” believes that a defence of Ibrahimbeyov is a matter of honour and duty of each Azerbaijani”.


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