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IPGA sounds the alarm

The International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan (IPGA), made a joint statement and condemned the events of the last weeks.

“March 2013 has so far proved to be a damning month for freedom of expression in Azerbaijan, showing the high personal cost and sacrifice those who exercise their right to speak freely on matters of public interest, provide alternative opinions or criticise the authorities in Azerbaijan today have to make” – is said in the statement.

The IPGA, along with IRFS, Human Rights Club and Media Rights Institute, call upon the Azerbaijani authorities to:

– Immediately and unconditionally release all persons in detention or imprisoned in connection with exercising their right to freedom of expression, including Avaz Zeynalli, Faramaz Novruzoglu, Fuad Huseynov, Hilal Mammadov, Tofig Yagublu, Nijat Aliyev and Araz Guliyev;

– Immediately and unconditionally release Ilgar Mammadov.

Immediately release Rashad Hasanov, Shahin Novruzlu, Bakhtiyar Guliyev and Mammad Azizov and ensure their access to lawyers;

– Ensure an independent investigation into the smear campaign and blackmail attempt against Khadija Ismayilova and bring the masterminds to justice;

– Effectively investigate the murders of Elmar Huseynov and Rafig Tagi in line with international standards and bring the perpetrators and masterminds of their murders to justice;

– Investigate and prosecute all cases of violence or harassment against journalists, bringing the perpetrators and masterminds of such attacks to justice;

– Changing the legislation restricting the right to freedom of expression, including amendments to NGO legislation and to the law on freedom of assembly adopted in November 2012;

– Respect the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, both online and offline.

The IPGA, along with IRFS, Human Rights Club and Media Rights Institute, call upon  the international community to provide the Azerbaijani authorities with recommendations on the following key issues:

– Failure to protect the right to life of journalists

– Impunity for violence against journalists

– Violations of the right to private life

– Politically motivated arrests and imprisonment

– Cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment

– Legislative restrictions on freedom of expression

– Restrictions on freedom of expression online

– State control of the media

Signed by ARTICLE 19, Committee to Protect Journalists, Human Rights Club, Human Rights House Foundation, International Media Support, Index on Censorship, Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS), Institute for War and Peace Reporting, Open Society Foundations, Media Diversity Institute, Media Rights Institute, Reporters Without Borders.


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