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Eynulla Fatullayev has encroached on Caesar’s wife

International organization “Reporters without Borders” has criticized the report of E. Fatullayev «Decline of the Europe» on reduction of the democratic values in Europe and denied his assertions about supports of the report by this organization.

In the text of the statement received by “Turan” news agency is said:

“Reporters Without Borders is appalled at the harsh action the Azerbaijani regime is taking against its critics in the run-up to the presidential election this autumn, and distances itself from dubious attempts to create an anti-European mood in the country and thus weaken the opposition. One example of this is a supposed “study” currently in circulation on the decline of values in Europe, which claims the support of human rights organisations like Reporters Without Borders”.

“We were in no way involved in this study – contrary to what it claims – and consider it absolutely disproportionate to compare human rights abuses in Germany with those in Azerbaijan”, said in Berlin Christian Mihr, Executive Director of the German section of Reporters without Borders.

“The author of the “study” is Eynulla Fatullajev, a journalist who gained international recognition as a critic of the regime. As the editor of two opposition newspapers he spent more than four years in prison before President Ilham Aliyev granted him a pardon in May 2011. Since his release Fatullayev has published reports that are conspicuously pro-governmental in their stance, among other things about the situation of political prisoners in Azerbaijani prisons”, is expressed in the statement.

As it known, Fattulayev presented his report, from which Reporters Without Borders, Amnesty International and many other quoted persons have since distanced themselves, in Brussels in January 2013.

A few days later the PACE rejected a resolution on situation with political prisoners in Azerbaijan and instead merely passed a foggy and two faces general declaration on the state of human rights in the country.

The IOLR has already written that time chosen by E. Fatullayev for presentation of the report “Decline of the Europe” is not right. Rather opposite, since it has played into help of those who deprived of freedom of the author of the report at that time.

However, it does not mean that study of E. Fatullayev is wrong and conclusions do not correspond to the reality. No one from the representatives of the international organizations ostracized of E. Fatullayev state about this. Everybody unconvincingly is distances from participation in preparation of the report, but does not touch its essence. Eynulla is not friend, but and he is not opponent. Truth is dearer.


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