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Andreas Gross remembers

A former Rapporteur of PACE on Azerbaijan, acting member of PACE Andreas Gross in his interview to the Radio “Azadlig” (“Liberty”) expressed an opinion in respect of currently situation in Azerbaijan, and remembered some episodes his activity in a position of the Rapporteur of PACE on Azerbaijan, informs site

A. Gross expressed his anxiety by the arrests of young activists in Azerbaijan and had noted that the state needs in such activists to build democratic society. He also noted that an activity of the young activists is not only a criticism of the existing power. The power, in turn, should establish a dialog in sake of future of the country.

Answering on question of the journalists as to the report of foreign NGO’s about “caviar diplomacy”, Andreas Gross said that he had also obtained the presents.

“Caviar diplomacy was element acting only on small part of my colleagues I quite often received small presents. Mainly tins with caviar which I usually gave out my colleagues. Instead I presented my books and paintings. These presents directing to improve the personal relations should never affect on the work. This norm of behaviour was understood to all who had worked with me”, said Gross.

Andreas Gross also dispelled rumors distributing by some local media about that he was turned out from the office of a head of the Presidential administration.

“These rumors are unfounded. I always came and went from his office civilized. I liked most of all to visit office of Ramiz Mehdiyev than other people who worked on the same floor. I could always discuss, exchange of opinions and learn something. We spent long hours and to discuss issues. I am very sorry that we have not been met for a long”, – said Gross.


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