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Results of the Penitentiary Service work for the first half of 2013

APA reports that as a result of cooperation operational institutions of Penitentiary Service with law enforcement bodies in Azerbaijan in the first half of 2013 were detected 132 crimes. This was noted at the operational meeting on the results of the Penitentiary Service for the first half of 2013. It was emphasized that the focus during this period were the prevention of prohibited items rackets in the prison system, the fight against illicit drugs. During the first half of 2013 as a result of a penitentiary search operations were found and seized 1,636 manat, 105.5 liters of alcoholic beverages, 321 mobile phones, 82.6 grams of various drugs.

At the meeting, it was announced disciplining responsibility of 51 officers of the Penitentiary Service.

Summing up, a head of the Penitentiary Service, Lieutenant-General of Justice M. Guliyev said that in the first half of 2013 Penitentiary Service and its subordinate structures were mainly performed their tasks, there have been achieved some positive results.


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