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MNS exposes criminals stealing the funds from bank accounts

In course of search operations conducted by the Ministry of National Security, Azerbaijani citizens Hadiyev Farid Shovgi, Alakbarov Yashar Bayram, Ibrahimov Nasir Aydinovich, Bayramov Farrukh Teyyub, Agarunov Rinat Ilich and Russian citizen Ifraimov Nair Ilishayevich were arrested over illegal actions. They are accused of illegally entering into computer system, having access to data contained in it and removing the various bank accounts of large sums of money APA reports with reference in press-service of the MNS of Azerbaijan.

The Main Investigation Department of the National Security Ministry has launched a criminal case under the Criminal Code’s articles 177.3.2 (theft of another person’s property with causing damage in large size), 271.3 (illegal access to the computer system of infrastructural object of public importance) and 272.3 (misappropriation of information from a computer system of infrastructural object of public importance). F. Hadiyev, Y. Alakbarov, N. Ibrahimov, F. Bayramov, R. Agarunov and N. Ifraimov were sentenced to pretrial detention under the court decision.

It was revealed that F. Hadiyev, who served as a senior specialist in operating department of one of the banks in Baku, used information technology for the purpose of the secret theft of other people’s property on a large scale. Conspiring with his friend Y. Alakbarov, F. Hadiyev instructed his other friends N. Ibrahimov and N. Ifraimov to open the bank accounts of Azerbaijani citizens in another bank in Baku. N. Ibrahimov and N. Ifraimov consecutively offered F. Bayramov and R. Agarunov to open the bank accounts of individuals for the purpose of the secret theft of other people’s property on a large scale. Bayramov and Agarunov accepted their proposals. N. Ibrahimov with F. Bayramov and N. Ifraimov with R. Agarunov opened bank accounts in the names of F. Bayramov and R. Agarunov and offered MasterCard Standard for them.  

Then, according to previously-reached agreement, F. Hadiyev, abusing his power in the bank branch, learned credit card numbers of a number of persons having large amounts of deposits and sent them to Y. Alakbarov via mobile phone.

Using these numbers, Y. Alakbarov electronically transferred $ 76,000 from bank accounts of these depositors to “MasterCard Standard” plastic card of F. Bayramov in March, $178 000 to “MasterCard Standard” plastic card of Rinat Agarunov in May and informed F. Hadiyev in both cases. Following the funds transfer, N. Ibrahimov and F. Bayramov withdrew the illegal cash in installments through ATMs in Baku using Bayramov’s plastic card under the instructions of F. Hadiyev.

Nair Ifraimov withdrew the illegal cash in installments through ATMs in Moscow using R. Agarunov’s plastic card. So, F. Hadiyev, Y. Alakbarov, N. Ibrahimov, F. Bayramov, R. Agarunov and N. Ifraimov, conspiring beforehand, plundered other’s large amount of property using information technologies as a group and divided $ 254,000 amount between them.

The members of the group were caught red-handed while trying to continue their illegal acts by employees of the National Security Ministry under a special plan.  

Investigation is underway to identify other members of the illegal acts and examine all facts of the criminal case.


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