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Sale of drugs prevented

In course of operations conducted by the employees of Bilasuvar Customs Department, Mehdiyev Isbandiyar Shura has been caught red-handed while trying to sell 2 kg and 998,8 grams of opium to the Customs employee who was instructed to pretend to be a buyer. Detaineed reportedly obtained the drugs from an unidentified person. The latter had reportedly smuggled the opium from Iran and hid it in three packages in a bag put in front of an aryk near a water-line in the II Shahseven village of Beylagan.

A criminal case has been launched under the Criminal Code’s articles 206.3.2, 234.4.1, and 234.4.3. I. Mehdiyev has been detained as a suspect. He has been sentenced to three-month imprisonment under the Criminal Code’s articles 206.3.2, 234.4.1 and 234.4.3. The investigation is underway. 

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