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Interior Ministry on assault on Mountain Jews Community head’s house

Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Interior Affairs has released information on an assault on the house of Boris Simanduyev, head of the Mountain Jews Community, APA reports.

At around 6:00 a.m. December 6, three masked persons broke into Mountain Jews Community head Boris Simanduyev’s house in the Qirmizi Sloboda (Red Town) village of Guba District. The criminals threatened his sister with a cold weapon, inflicting various body injuries on her. After seizing a great deal of money and jewels, they fled the scene.

The Guba District Police Department has launched a criminal case over the fact under article 181.3.2 (burglary) of the Criminal Code.

As a result of urgent search operations as well as investigative actions to uncover fresh traces of the crime, the perpetuators of the criminal act – Eldar Avadyayev, Khalid Seyidov, Turkane Rahimova, Turaj Valiyev and Afgan Ibrahimov – were detained by the police.

The money and jewels seized from the house were presented to investigation as material evidence.

Search operations on the fact are continued.

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