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Trial starts of case on persons participated in illegal armed groups

The Baku Court on Grave Crimes on 3 March 2015 commenced the trial of Firdovsi Yusifov and Taleh Soltanov both of whom are convicted of fighting with Islamic State and other armed groups APA reports.

Judge Rasim Sadigov presided over the trial. During the process, public prosecutor announced the indictment.

Later on, the convicts commented on the indictment and pleaded not guilty. 

The trial will be resumed on March 6.

Agency notes that, a statement dated Sept. 23 issued by the Public Relations Center of the Ministry of National Security says 26 Azerbaijani citizens were detained over creation of armed formations or groups, which are not provided by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also participation in their creation and activity, supplying them by weapon, ammunition, explosives, military engineering or military equipment, as well as involving of minor to criminal activity by a person, obliged to bring up a minor and other illegal acts. F. Yusifov and T. Soltanov are among the detainees. 

The Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of National Security launched criminal cases on the facts under articles 12.1, 279.1 and 170.3 of the Criminal Code. 

It was revealed that Yusifov Firdovsi and Soltanov Taleh fought under the armed groups in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which are not provided by the legislations of Pakistan and Azerbaijan. 

Yusifov and T. Soltanov, who had come to know each other in Pakistan and fought alongside within illegal armed groups, decided to fight with illegal armed organizations operating in the Syrian Arab Republic. When they illegally crossed through Pakistan into Iran in August of 2013 for this purpose, they were detained by law enforcement authorities and were handed over to the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 24, 2014. T. Soltanov’s wife and mother-in-law have crossed into the country with the help of the persons who joined the illegal armed units in Syria and with whom they were agreed beforehand. While he was in prison in Iran, T. Soltanov had a child in Syria and his family lived in the territories where fierce battles are going on.

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