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National Security Ministry conducts antiterrorist operation

Group members who intended to create a Sharia-ruled state in Azerbaijan were arrested, a large quantity of arms and ammunition seizedreports APA with reference to the MNS Public Relations Department.

The Ministry of National Security (MNS) detained in an antiterrorist operation a group of Azerbaijani citizens suspected of planning to carry out terrorist attacks in the Republic of Azerbaijan and committing other grave crimes. The detainees are Khalilov Niyameddin Iltifat, Bayimov Rufis Ahmad, Hashimli Rashad Shovkat, Musayev Ilgar Fikrat, Rzayev Anar Rza and Abdullayev Jeyhun Fazil.

During inspection, 4 Makarov pistols, a TT pistol, 5 pistol cartridges, 35 cartridges, 1 kg TNT, 2 RGD-5 hand grenades were found and seized from them and their houses.

The MNS Main Investigation Department has launched criminal case on the fact under the Criminal Code’s articles 28,214.2.1, (preparation to a terrorist attack that is commitment of explosion, arson or other actions creating danger to destruction of people, causing harm to their health, significant property damage or approaches other socially dangerous consequences committed with a view of infringement of public safety, intimidation of population or rendering  of influence to acceptance of decisions by the state authorities or international organizations, and also threat of commitment of a specified actions in a same purposes) and 228.3 (illegal purchase, transfer, selling, storage, transportation or carrying of fire-arms, accessories to it, supplies, explosives).

The court sentenced Khalilov Niyameddin Iltifat, Bayimov Rufis Ahmad, Hashimli Rashad Shovkat, Musayev Ilgar Fikrat, Rzayev Anar Rza and Abdullayev Jeyhun Fazil to pretrial detention.

It became clear that the aforementioned persons and others formed an organized group in November 2014 to destabilize the socio-political situation in Azerbaijan in order to create a Sharia-ruled state in the country, commit provocative terrorist attacks and wage Jihad, and even appointed an emir for themselves. 

For the purpose of raising money for Jihad, members of the group initially planned to rob a number of wealthy persons living in Azerbaijan whom they consider Kafir (disbeliever) and whose blood and property they consider Halal (lawful) for themselves. On account of the money acquired, they sought to assassinate law enforcement members and carry out other terrorist attacks in the country.

With a view to commit terrorist attacks with firearms and other items used as a weapon, the group obtained a large number of weapons and ammunition from a source currently under investigation, and made segregation of duties within.

It was revealed that in order to get a large amount of money in a short time, the group members, after robbing one of summerhouses in Mardakan settlement, entered the house of owner of “Soyuq bulaq” restaurant in Gabala district for robbery and killed him in November 2014. Then the group members committed a few more illegal acts, entered illegally commercial facilities in Ahmadli settlement of Baku and Binagadi district, stole a lot of different equipment, foods, as well as many SIM-cards in late November at night. In February 2015, the gang members stole “VAZ 2106” in Sumgayit city and came to Goychay district by this car to commit acts of robbery. However, they failed to carry out the crime they had planned, separated the car into parts, kept them in the yard of the house one of relatives in Aghdash district, who would have to sell them later and send money to them. Then they returned to Baku by taxi.

As a result of anti-terrorist measures taken by the Ministry of National Security, the organized group was neutralized.

Investigation and search operations are underway to determine other perpetrators of these illegal acts. 

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