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Criminal case against bank officials’ illegal actions

The Anti-Corruption Department under Prosecutor General has investigated a material received from Kapitalbank OJSC over the illegal actions of some officials of the bank’s branches in Imishli, Shabran and Bilasuvar districts, the Prosecutor General’s Office told APA.

The Anti-Corruption Department has opened a criminal case over the facts under Article 308.1 (abuse of official powers) of the Criminal Code because there are suspicions of Zaur Azizov and Magsud Yagubov, former employees of the Imishli branch’s credit department, and chief treasurer Seymur Gasimov deliberately formalizing fake credit contracts, abusing their service powers, and not giving full amounts of loan to customers and not directing the credits to payment deliberately, and of Jeyran Orujova, a former expert at the Shabran branch, ordering the preparation of 305 payment cards for 295 district residents, abusing her service powers and without properly checking the national ID cards of customers, and of Nariman Jafarov, the chief treasurer at the Bilasuvar branch, and Parviz Azizov, an operator at the same branch, causing considerable damage to the rights and legal interests of citizens and the bank by withdrawing funds from the plastic card belonging to a deceased district resident on preliminary arrangement. Investigation into the case is underway. 

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