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Issues international arrest warrant

Azerbaijan has issued an international arrest warrant for Gadashov Shamil, a member of the radical group, accused of killing a police officer APA reports with reference to website of the Interpol service.

He is accused of theft, smuggling, brigandage and illegal storage of firearms. Due to Gadashov fled the country, he was declared internationally wanted and Interpol was appealed for his detention.

Gadashov was a member of the radical religious group attacking the police officer in Gusar. Law enforcement agencies stated that Radif Aghamuradov created an organized group with Wahhabis – Faig Shahmuradov aka Omar, Ramiz Rahimkhanov aka Abu Hanifa, Edik Rustamov aka Saifullah, Shamil Gadashov and others in Gusar. They stated that working in currency exchange offices and other business fields are haram. They decided to attack persons engaged in such activities and get a large sum of money. Thus, they bought weapons from unknown sources in Dagestan and brought them to Azerbaijan in January-February, 2013. Members of the group committed several crimes in Azerbaijan with these weapons. They killed police officer Galib Guliyev, wounded other 3 policemen Movlud Aliyev, Jamil Nasirov and Mahammad Ibrahimov at their cave-type shelter in the forest between Hazra and Ashaghi Leyer villages of Gusar.

Most members of the group were detained as a result of the joint operation carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of National Security and interior Troops. Baku Court of Grave Crimes passed judgment on them on May 18, 2015. According to the judgment, six persons were sentenced to 14 years, one to 13 year, one to 12 years and on to 9 years in prison. 

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