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llegal arms sellers arrested in Azerbaijan

Zengilan district police in a series of operations have found out that on September 22, Astara district resident Zaur Aliyev has sold to a person known to investigation an AKSU automatic rifle, a charger and 114 cartridges of different calibers at AZN 1,500. On October 2, Z. Aliyev was caught red-handed as tried to sell to the same person a hand grenade at AZN 300, the Interior Ministry told APA on Oct.6

Zengilan district police and the main organized crime department in another series of joint operations Astara district residents Elshan Agali, Royal Aliyev as well as Baku city residents Tural Safarov and Huseynaga Asgarov were detained.

3 kg of heroin, opium and hashish, as well as counterfeit $22,300 bill were found and seized from the house rented by Aghali in Sabail district.

During the preliminary interrogation, Aghali said that he smuggled drugs from Islamic Republic of Iran a while ago for the purpose of sale and Asgarov gave him counterfeit dollar bill for the purpose of sale.

Criminal cases were launched into the facts under relevant articles of the Criminal Code. Necessary investigation and search operations are underway for detaining other perpetrators and bringing them to justice. 

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