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The Court of Appeal upholds the verdict against A. Yusifli

On 09 October, 2015 the Baku Appeal Court concluded consideration of the appeal of Asif Yusifli , the Majlis member of the Popular Front Party, reports Internet portal

Yusifli was arrested on November 25, 2014 on charges of fraud (Article 178) and forgery (Article 320). The victim in this case Farida Zulfugarova handed Yusifli 6500 manat for the transfer of money Rafig Huseynov, the officer  of the Ministry of Education. The latter was to arrange for the bribe for higher education for Zulfugarova’s in Ukraine. However, the deal fell through, and Huseynov did not return the money to the woman. During the trial, he admitted that he got the money, and  it was not Yusifli’s fault.

Zulfugarova also rejected complaints of damages. However,  on July 30, 2015 the court convicted Yusifli  of fraud and forgery, and sentenced him  to 7.5 years in prison. Another defendant Rafig Huseynov was sentenced to  12.5 years in prison.

At today’s trial in Baku Appeal Court prosecutor asked to leave the verdict to both the accused in force. However, the lawyer Fakhraddin Mehdiyev objected the state prosecutor.

“If the victim withdrew the complaint, there is  complainant and  there is no material damage, then what is the social danger of the case?” asked  the lawyer.

After two-minute meeting the court announced the rejection of the appeal.  The defense intends to file an appeal to the Supreme Court.

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