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Taleh Baghirov and some 68 supporters arrested: Prosecutor General’s Office

Taleh Baghirov and some 68 people affiliated with him have been arrested, APA told.

This was announced at the board meeting held on February 5, 2016 at the Azerbaijani Prosecutor General’s Office.  

It was noted that in a series of operations, the Interior Ministry and the State Security Service uncovered the fact that Taleh Baghirov and other members of his illegal group “Muslim Union” had been working to solidify group in the capital and also other parts of the country, arming themselves and engaging in criminal activity. 57 of the group’s armed members were detained in Baku and surrounding villages as well as 11 more in Ganja and other districts. A preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen again all of them.

During the operations, a great deal of fire arms and ammunition, radical religious books and items were seized from the detainees in order to be used as material evidence.

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