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Statistics of traffic accidents in Azerbaijan last month

Some 43 people died, 147 were injured in 140 traffic accidents that occurred in Azerbaijan in January 2016, APA reports.

Compared to the same period of last year, the number of traffic accidents decreased by 68 (32.7%), fatalities – by 31 (41.9%) and injured – by 68 facts (31.6%).

12 people died, 48 were injured in 47 traffic accidents in Baku in January. Compared to the same period of last year, the number of traffic accidents decreased by 30 (39%), fatalities – by 12 (57%) and injured – by 30 facts (38.5%).

35% (49 accidents, 17 fatalities, 59 injured) of traffic accidents caused by overtaking and exit into the oncoming lane, 22.8% (31 accidents, 12 fatalities, 26 injured) by overspeed, 17.1% (24 accidents, 4 fatalities, 32 injured) by violations of rules of crossing intersections and 2.8% (4 accidents, 1 fatalities, 3 injured) by drunken drivers.

22 pedestrians died, 34 were injured as a result of 55 (38.5%) road accidents. 2 traffic accidents took place due to violation of pedestrian traffic regulations. The traffic accidents claimed the lives of two children and one teenager during the reporting period.

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