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Horrific murder disclosed

In an urgent investigative operation, Goygol district police and prosecuting officers have disclosed a horrific act of murder committed about ten days ago. The persons guilty of committing the crime have been arrested.

After receiving the information of a human body being buried in the forest near the Akharja village of Goygol district on March 2, the district’s prosecuting officers inspected the area. The corps was exhumed and identified as Ganja resident Eldar Aliyev (1964), the Prosecutor General’s Office told APA.

District prosecutors opened a criminal case on charges of deliberate murder (Article 120.1).

Investigations made it clear that Balchili village resident Javid Jafarov and Qochu Karimov and Aqil Rustamov, both Balchili villagers, had planned to kill Eldar Aliyev over a matter of debt.

To carry out their plan, they hid two spades, one ling and one picker in the aforementioned forest on February 15.

Jafarov invited Aliyev to come to “Nureddin bulaghi” area in Balchili village by A. Rustamov’s car to have a lunch on Feb.25 at about 18:00. After being drunk, Jafarov struck Aliyev twice on head with hammer as a result of dispute and Aliyev died. Jafarov took his body by Rustamov’s car in the direction of Akharja village.

As the car broke down, they took the body to forest in Akharja village by the car of Khayal Mammadov they called and buried it there.

Javid Jafarov, Aqil Rustamov and Qochu Karimov faces charges under article 120.2.1 (premeditated murder by group of persons, on preliminary arrangement by group of persons) and Khayal Mammadov under 307.3 (obviously not promised concealment of serious crimes) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. All of them were arrested.

Necessary investigative actions are ongoing.

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