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Pretrial detention period extended for arrested on a case of MNS

Baku’s Sabail district court decided on Wednesday to prolong till July the pretrial detention period for more than 20 persons arrested over the case of the recently liquidated Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan, APA reports.

The period of pretrial investigation into the case of the National Security Ministry has already been extended until June 17 under the decision of the country’s Prosecutor General Zakir Hasanov.

The criminal case, which was initiated on 17 October 2015, is conducted by the Investigation Department for Grave Crimes of the Prosecutor General’s Office. Over 20 persons have been detained on the case.

According to the statement issued by the Prosecutor General’s Office, necessary investigative actions are ongoing on the criminal case launched against the officials of the liquidated National Security Ministry over the facts of abusing and excess of official powers.

A measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against 19 officials of the ministry, one was released on recognizance not to leave and another was arrested in absentia and placed on wanted list.

Some 57 people, whose rights were violated as a result of the criminal acts committed by the employees of the National Security Ministry, were recognized as victims. Total damage caused to them accounts for tens of millions of manats.  

Operational searching actions have been continued.

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