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MIA about results of combat to criminality in 2016

Over the past year, 1,032 criminal groups accused of committing 2,755 crimes have been detained in Azerbaijan, the country’s Interior Minister, Colonel General Ramil Usubov said on 27 January 2017, APA reports.

The minister made the remarks addressing a board meeting at the ministry, dedicated to the outcomes of the activities carried out in 2016 and the tasks ahead.

He said that 94% of 26,611 crimes recorded during the reporting period were investigated on a preliminary basis by interior and prosecuting agencies. Of them, 85.4% were the ones unlikely to pose a public threat or moderately grave and the remaining 14.6% of them were grave and especially grave crimes, he added.

The minister noted that compared to 2015, last year grave and especially grave crimes decreased by 1.8%, premeditated murders and attempts by 13.4%, robbery by 21.8%, crimes committed with firearms by 37%, crimes committed in public places 12.7%, hijacking of vehicles by 17.5%, traffic accidents by 9.6%, deaths by 15.1%, and injuries by 11.6% in 2016.

The number of infliction of serious bodily harm made 3.6 cases, robbery 3.3 cases and thefts 73 cases per 100,000 people that are lower compared to some European countries, Usubov added.

According to him, there was 3.1% progress in solving crimes committed under uncertain conditions, 3.6% in those aimed against property, 10.2% in robbery, 3.8% in theft, 4.7% in extortion by threats. 323 crimes remained unsolved in the previous years were solved.

“Based on the information received by 102 call center, 1,268 crimes were solved with “hot pursuit” as a result of timely operations, 9,289 offences were prevented. Some 3,108 persons evading judicial and investigative bodies were detained during the reporting period,” Usubov added.  

The interior minister noted that 33 facts of manufacturing or sale of counterfeit money were revealed.  Consequently, 931 banknotes in a total amount of AZN 47,000, USD 10,000 and EUR 9,500, as well as more than 35 tons of expired food products and construction materials were withdrawn from circulation.

Moreover, 7 persons were detained for attempting to illegally sell USD 195,650 and EUR 30,000, and administrative measures were taken about 262 persons, he added.  


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