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Arrested sellers of big quantity of mercury

Azerbaijan Customs authorities prevented an attempt of illegal sale of about 9 kg of mercury, informs with reference to the State Customs Committee (SCC).

“Employees of the State Customs Committee, together with the staff of Absheron district police department detained a citizen of Azerbaijan Etibar Aliyev, who was trying to sell 8.83 kg of mercury on the territory “Naples” hotel, located at the 14th kilometer of the Baku-Sumgait”- stated in the information.

The SCC staff member acted as a buyer.

Later there was detained Ilgar Bayramov,  an accomplice E. Aliyev.

A criminal case under Article 240.2.1 (Illegal circulation of strong or poisonous substances with a view to sales made by a group of persons by previous concert) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, the two suspects were taken into custody.

As part of the investigation measures are being taken to identify others involved in the illegal activities of persons.

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