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A large quantity of heroin was seized

A large quantity of narcotic drugs was seized from a resident of Baku, APA reports.

10th police station of the Garadagh District Police Department received information about the presence of narcotic drugs in the house of Fizuli Huseynov, a resident of Baku , who was previously convicted.

As a result of the operation, the suspect was detained on the territory of the village of Lokbatan, 52.065 grams of heroin were found with him.

As a result of the search in the house of F. Huseynov, another 1.165 kg of heroin was found there.

During the testimony, the detainee admitted that he bought this lot of drugs for 4,000 manats from a citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who he met in Lankaran.

The materials collected after the fact in the 10th police station of the Garadagh RUP were sent to the Investigation Department. The investigation is being continued.

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