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Court hearings over the Azerbaijani ministry’s ex-official continues

The Baku Court of Grave Crimes on Wednesday, 12 July 2017 continued court examination of the criminal case involving Vidadi Zeynalov, former head of the Office of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies, and other people arrested alongside him, APA informs.

Vugar Babayev, an official of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies, who is recognized as a victim in the case, testified at the trial presided over by judge Afgan Hajiyev, that the defendants are making payments for the damage.

He, therefore, asked the court to postpone the trial until a certain time.  

The Court said that the trial will be postponed following the lawyers’ speech.

Zeynalov’s lawyer Baylar Mamishov said that the defendant fully reimbursed the damage caused to the state. He submitted to the court the receipt of the payment in the amount of AZN 7,330,536.

Later, the defendants’ lawyers addressed the court.

Defendant Gambar Baybalayev said that he has no money and cannot reimburse the payment. “I have no money and I have worked decently. Ali Abbasov wanted to reimburse the damage, but he was not allowed. I can only pay the damage being reimbursed by Ali Abbasaov. Don’t postpone the trial relying on me, because I don’t have money to pay the damage. I ask you to make a fair decision in this respect”, he said. 

The court hearings will be resumes on July 19, 2017.  

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