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The bookkeeper of the trading company was robbed in Baku

On 13 July 2017 at 11:00 on the Ziya Buniyatov Avenue, the accountant of the KDV Azerbaycan LLC, a large trading company, was robbed. Criminals abducted 134,000 manat, reports

According to the information, the unknown persons ran up to the accountant of the company Saida Makhmudova and, having snatched from her hands a sports bag containing money, disappeared from the crime scene. According to the victim, the robbers got into the car and drove away. However, the woman did not remember the numbers of the car.

The victim showed that she did not know the attackers. According to the investigation, before the robbery, the attackers studied the schedule of the accountant’s movement, and most likely they have been informed about the presence of a large sum of money in the bag.

While the identity of the suspects is not established, operative officers of the 17th police department of the Narimanov district are currently working in this direction.

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