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The trial of the former head of the apparatus of the Ministry of Labor has begun

A trial has begun on the criminal case of the former head of the apparatus of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Ajdar Jabiyev (Ajdar Ol), accused of bribery, APA reports.

At the preparatory meeting of the Baku Grave Crimes Court, chaired by Judge Afgan Hajiyev, the personal data of the accused were clarified. The court decided to appoint the criminal case for consideration. The court session is scheduled for January 12, 2022.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population was recognized as the victim in the criminal case.

APA notes that Azhdar Jabiyev was detained by the State Security Service. He is accused of accepting a bribe on a large scale. The Sabail District Court, on the proposal of the investigating authority, chose a measure of restraint in the form of detention in respect of him. Azhdar Jabiyev (Ol) was the head of the ministry’s apparatus, and was also engaged in writing activities, is a member of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan.

Ajdar Ol worked as the head of the apparatus of the ministry during the period when Salim Muslimov was in charge of the ministry.

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