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Racketeer ‘journalist’ sentenced to seven years in prison

On December 28, 2021, the Baku Grave Crimes Court read out the sentence to racketeer “journalist” Ata Abdullayev accused of extortion, according to which he was sentenced to seven years in prison, reports.

At the trial chaired by Judge Fikret Garibov, the prosecutor gave A. Abdullayev the last word. He stated that he did not agree with the charges against him and asked to be acquitted.

So, A. Abdullayev demanded money from various people, blackmailing them with the dissemination of discrediting information. Thus, he embezzled 10,000 manats from Elmar Aliyev, an employee of the organizing committee for the holding of the European Games and the Formula 1 Operating Company subordinate to the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Abdullayev spent AZN 2,400 of this money on the purchase of an iPhone 11 Pro Max phone.

In addition, A. Abdullayev demanded 6,000 manats from the representative of the Executive Power of the Absheron region in the village of Masazir Shahlar Hasanov, threatening the latter to distribute a video about the untimely removal of household waste in the village.

He also filmed a fallen tree, accusing businessman J. Babaev of allegedly illegally cutting it down. The journalist accused another businessman E. Aliyev of carrying out illegal construction in the Sabunchi settlement.

Abdullayev demanded 7,000 manats from the first businessman and 15,000 manats from the second one.

In this regard, he was charged under articles 182.2.2, 182.2.4 (extortion) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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