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Property of A. Hasanov’s relative confiscated

A list of the confiscated property of a relative of the former head of the department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Ali Hasanov has become known, the information Internet portal reports.

According to the verdict of the Baku Court of Grave Crimes, issued in the criminal case of A. Hasanov’s brother-in-law Adalat Veliyev, his property with a total area of ​​12,535.9 sq.m and by worth AZN 36 million, located in the Yasamal district of Baku at the address: 525th quarter, Metbuat Avenue, 23, as well as funds in the amount of 1 million manats deposited to the deposit account of the prosecutor’s office.

This unit of real estate was registered in the name of A. Hasanov’s son Shamkhal. During the investigation, he handed it over to the accused A. Veliyev. Then the property was arrested, and by a court decision it was confiscated.

By the decision of the Baku Court on Grave Crimes, A. Veliyev was given a conditional sentence.

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