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Supreme Court decision against official charged with bribery

The Supreme Court has not satisfy the cassation appeal of Eyub Gulmammadov accused of bribery, news portal reports.

At the trial chaired by Judge Tahir Kazymov, the decision of the Shirvan Court of Appeal was upheld.

According to the indictment, an investigation was conducted at the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General on the basis of a citizen’s appeal about the illegal actions of the ex-head of the Housing Department of the Executive Power of Shirvan City Eyyub Gulmammadov.

On June 22, 2020, E. Gulmammadov was detained while receiving a bribe in the amount of 3,000 manat in his car in exchange for decorating two rooms (35 sq. m.) of a hostel structure that he managed in the name of a citizen.

He was charged under article 311.2 (taking a bribe by an official for illegal actions or inaction) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

By the decision of the Lankaran Court for Grave Crimes, he was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison.

E. Gulmammadov filed an appeal against this decision, but the Shirvan Court of Appeal did not satisfy it. He then filed a cassation appeal with the Supreme Court.

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