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Court verdict for the former head of the Executive Office Baku

The trial on the criminal case of Rasim Guliyev, former chief of the office of Baku City Executive Power, has ended, APA reports.

At the trial, chaired by Judge Faig Ganiev, R. Guliyev delivered the last word. He said that he did not agree with the accusations and asked the court to acquit him.

Then, at the trial, a verdict was read, according to which R. Guliyev was sentenced to 3 years in prison. The verdict noted that R. Guliyev would not be able to hold a leading and responsible position for 1 year and 6 months.

It should be noted that on the fact of the illegal issuance of a permit to the housing construction cooperative (HCC) FF-2011 for the demolition of residential buildings on Dilara Aliyeva Street in the Nasimi district of Baku, as well as a residential building protected by the state as a cultural monument of local importance, and the construction of new ones in their place in The main anti-corruption department under the Prosecutor General initiated a criminal case.

The investigation had reasonable suspicions that the ex-head of the apparatus, acting. Deputy Head of the Executive Power of the capital Rasim Guliyev, in order to gain an advantage as an official performing organizational and administrative functions, personally signed the order of the head of IV No. 346 dated May 31, 2018 on the construction of office and residential buildings in the Nasimi district. At the same time, the housing cooperative did not take into account the presence in the specified territory of a state-protected residential facility built in 1893 and carried out illegal demolition of apartments, residential and non-residential premises, and also violated a number of other conditions for construction and dismantling work.

Based on these facts, R. Guliyev was charged under Articles 308.2 (abuse of official authority, entailing grave consequences) and 314-2.3 (issuing a permit for construction or installation work in violation of the rules established by law, entailing grave consequences) of the Criminal Code. By a court decision, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against him.

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