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A gang of criminals who stole gold jewelry worth half a million manats was detained

The police department of the Tovuz region received information that in April of this year, unknown people entered the house of a resident of the Eyublu village and stole money and gold jewelry for a large amount, the information Internet portal reports.

As a result of operational search activities, the police detained Nemat Abbasov, Elshad Jafarov, Zaur Aliyev, Asif Mammadov, Anar Abbasov and Elvin Mirzoyev, suspected of stealing local residents.

During the investigation, it was established that the attackers, entering into a preliminary agreement, stole 2,800 manats and jewelry worth about 500,000 manats from the said house. They melted gold jewelry into ingots and then transported it to Baku, where they sold it. Some of the detainees even bought a car on money received.

Material evidence was seized. On this fact, investigations are ongoing.

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