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Murder three years ago disclosed

As a result of the operational and investigative measures carried out by the prosecutor’s office and the police, a criminal case was solved, which is being investigated in the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office on the fact of the premeditated murder of Tarkhan Alyarov (born in 1997) on September 22, 2018, reports the information Internet portal with reference to joint information of the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country.

The investigation established that on September 22, 2018, in the village of Atakishili, Kurdamir district, Rafael Jafarov hit his neighbor Tarkhan Alyarov in the forehead during the conflict that arose between them. Then R. Jafarov inflicted several blows on the victim with a knife. After making sure that Tarkhan Alyarov died from his injuries, he threw the body of the latter into a sewer filled with water in order to hide the crime committed. He also threw a knife there, as well as two mobile phones of T. Alyarov.

When examining this collector, employees of the prosecutor’s office and the police, with the participation of a forensic expert, found a skull with a fracture and seven bones of the costal skeleton. As a result of the examination, it was established that the discovered remains belong to Tarkhan Alyarov. In addition, it turned out that the crime was committed by a knife seized from the water canal.

Based on the collected evidence, Rafael Jafarov was charged under Articles 120.2.9 (premeditated murder of a person known to the accused to be in a helpless state), 120.2.10 (repeated premeditated murder) and 177.2.5 (theft from clothes, pocket, bag or other hand luggage of the victim) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Investigative measures in this criminal case are ongoing.

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