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Former director of Yeni Klinika sentenced to 8.5 years in prison

On December 6, 2021, the Baku Court of Grave Crimes completed the trial in the criminal case of the ex-director of the legal entity of public law Yeni Klinika Parviz Abbasov, as well as Galib Najafov, Vusala Aliyeva, Avaz Huseynov and Samir Mirzoyev, the information Internet portal reports.

By a court decision, P. Abbasov was sentenced to 8 years and 6 months in prison. G. Najafov, a former radiologist at the Buta clinic, A. Huseynov, a veterinarian at the Institute of Food Security, and S. Mirzoyev, received eight years each.

The court appointed the manager of Viola LLC V. Aliyeva a suspended sentence with a two-year probationary period. In addition, she will not be able to hold positions in state bodies for two years. Other convicts cannot be accepted into public service for three years after their release.

The public prosecutor asked to sentence P. Abbasov to 10 years, G. Najafov, A. Huseynov and S. Mirzoev to 9 years in prison, V. Aliyeva to a conditional sentence.

According to the information of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan, reasonable suspicions arose that during the period when Parviz Abbasov was the director of the clinic, with the help of Galib Najafov, Vusala Aliyeva, Avaz Huseynov and Samir Mirzoyev, in exchange for placing individual patients with COVID-19 for inpatient treatment in the clinic. 19, the above persons received from each patient 3,000-4,500 manats, which they divided among themselves and spent on their own needs.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, P. Abbasov and others were charged under Articles 311.3.2 (repeated bribe-taking) and 32.5, 311.3.2 (complicity in giving or receiving a bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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