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Doctor charged with fraud

A criminal case was initiated in the Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan in connection with the illegal actions of the psychiatrist of the Lerik Central District Hospital Balash Takhmazov and a resident of the city of Shirvan Adil Zarbiyev, an appropriate investigation was carried out, the information Internet portal reports.

In the course of the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that A. Zarbiyev at the end of 2019 embezzled 9,500 manats from several residents of the Sabirabad region and Shirvan, promising to help them in establishing disability through contacts in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.

According to another episode, having entered into a criminal conspiracy with B. Takhmazov, he embezzled 6,000 manats, promising the citizens who applied to them to assist in the restoration of disability and providing them with fake medical records about undergoing inpatient treatment in a medical facility.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, A. Zarbiyev and B. Takhmazov were charged under Articles 178.2.1 (fraud committed by a group of persons by prior agreement), 178.2.2 (fraud committed repeatedly), 32.4, 312.2 (inciting to pay a bribe). ), 320.1 (forgery of official documents) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

By a court decision, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against them.

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