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Director of the Mingachevir Employment Center will be convicted of misappropriation

The Main Department for Combat to Corruption under the Prosecutor General has completed a preliminary investigation of a criminal case initiated under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code against the director of the Mingachevir City Employment Center Elchin Abdullayev and others, informs.

During the preliminary investigation, there were reasonable suspicions of abuse of power by Elchin Abdullayev, who colluded with senior officials of the State Employment Service and other persons, forged relevant official documents and embezzled AZN 25,000 from funds allocated in the amount of AZN 86,000 from the state budget for 17 unemployed citizens.

Elchin Abdullayev was charged under Articles 179.2.1, 179.2.3, 179.2.4 of the Criminal Code (Appropriation or embezzlement – committed by a group of persons by prior agreement – using their official position with causing significant damage) and 308.1 (Abuse of official authority), a criminal case sent to the Mingachevir city court for consideration.

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