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Preliminary investigation into the case of the bailiff who committed fraud has been completed

The preliminary investigation has been completed on the criminal case initiated under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code on the basis of materials received by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan and appeals received on the “hot line 161” of the Main Department for Combat to Corruption under the Prosecutor General in connection with the illegal actions of Razim Aliyev, who worked as a bailiff in the Shamkir district department of enforcement and probation, APA reports.

Thus, the preliminary investigation established reasonable suspicions that Razim Aliyev, while working in this position during 2019-2020, using his official position, appropriated someone else’s property entrusted to him, and also committed fraud against 7 people and misappropriated them by abuse of trust. cash for a total of 40,600 manats.

Razim Aliyev was charged under Articles 178.2 (Fraud using his official position), 179.2.3 (Embezzlement or embezzlement committed using his official position) and 312.2 (Giving a bribe to an official for committing knowingly illegal actions (inaction) or repeatedly ) of the Criminal Code, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against him by a court decision, the criminal case was sent for consideration to the Ganja Court for Grave Crimes.

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